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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Reviews of new books

Will Humans be the Next Extinction? Welcome to Doomsday in Kolbert’s ‘The Sixth Extinction’

BOOK REVIEW: If humanity keeps on its present course, the result may well be “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” (ISBN: 9781250062185). Elizabeth Kolbert's writing is delightful even as her book documents a doomsday scenario.

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Singers and their Songs – they need tunes and lyrics before they step into the spotlight

ARTICLE: "That's a hit song!" The speaker was Wendie Colter, complimenting fellow artist Fran Lucci on one of her warm numbers. This was just before Colter delivered one of several potential hit songs of her own. And it was near the middle of a set featuring nicely textured work by Denise (lead singer from the indie band Jacar), as well as several crowd-rousing numbers from the supremely strong-voiced Mara.

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Goebbels: A Biography

Book Review: Peter Longerich’s ‘Goebbels: A Biography’ is Excellent, Appalling, and Instructive

REVIEW: Yes, it's true: Joseph Goebbels Helps today's GOP. Often considered the father of modern propaganda, Goebbels foreshadowed the GOP playbook in terms of distortion, deception, and dishonesty. Peter Longerich's "Goebbels: A Biography" (ISBN: 9781400067510) is excellent, appalling, and instructive.
Dark Money - Book

Book Review: Dark Souls with their ‘Dark Money’

REVIEW: Jane Mayer will get your blood boiling in her superb 'Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' (ISBN: 9780385535595). Every chapter reveals monsters who are perverting the ideals of America.

Book Review: Numbers in the Raw Equal ‘Naked Statistics’

REVIEW: Before fleeing in horror from a book about numbers and mathematics, take a moment to consider the humor of Charles Wheelan's “Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data” (ISBN: 978-0-393-34777-7). Odds are you'll enjoy it. Well, at least sixty or seventy percent of it.

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Book Review: My, What Big Science You Have! Dealing with the Dreaded Military-industrial Complex

REVIEW: Making things go 'boom' is just one result of the incredible journey of the scientists working with Ernest O. Lawrence. His besmirch and destruction lairs -- oops, I mean research and development facilities -- shaped our modern age. Michael Hiltzik takes you up close and personal with the people of “Big Science” (ISBN: 9781451675757) who put us on the road to dealing with the dreaded military-industrial complex.

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The Shock Doctrine

Book Review: Fiscal Rape in ‘The Shock Doctrine’

REVIEW: Naomi Klein reveals how the United States exports disaster capitalism in her powerful classic 'The Shock Doctrine' (ISBN: 9780312427993), a book that should be required reading for every government official and knowledgeable voter

Oh Buddy: This Guy is Great – Blues guitar virtuoso Buddy Guy succeeds on every level

ADSP Chapter 22: Blues guitar virtuoso Buddy Guy succeeds on every level from soul to sizzle to showmanship. Sitting in his trailer before taking the stage for a festival performance, Buddy Guy is philosophical about his place in the pantheon of blues guitarists.

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Truckloads of Soul (Aspects of The Blues)

ADSP Chapter 25: God can be found inside many things: The sun, moon, and stars; a child's simple wisdom; a lover's kiss. And at one nightclub on one sultry summer evening in Southern California, god was in the fingers of Derek Trucks.

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Book Review: Tons of ‘Corruption in America’ – venality has been in bloodstream of politicians since founding

REVIEW: Zephyr Teachout believes that venality has been on the minds and in the bloodstream of politicians since the founding of the nation. In "Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United" (ISBN: 9780674050402) she makes the case and provides some possible resolutions to the problem.

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Book Review: Real-life Horror Story is a Prison of Disbelief in ‘Going Clear’

REVIEW: A beautifully crafted book on a mesmerizing but ugly topic, "Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief" by Lawrence Wright (ISBN: 9780307745309) is a shocking investigation into the cult of Scientology. As with today's torture-porn horror films, its followers are berated, degraded, and psychologically harmed.
The Dark Net

Book Review: Shining a Light on the Digital Underground of ‘The Dark Net’ and It’s Not Very Pretty

REVIEW: You can find anything on the Internet. Proving that in “The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld” (ISBN: 9781612194899) is author and social media analyst Jamie Bartlett. Turns out that a lot of the online netherworld is pretty wild (and often not very pretty).

A Musical High from Verheyen – studio great Carl Verheyen consistently wows the crowds

ADSP Chapter 23: When hired guns go solo, the results can be "meh" or "yowza," but studio great Carl Verheyen ("ver-HIGH-un") consistently wows the crowds. Los Angeles is full of guitar aces for hire and one of the best has a name you can't pronounce. You have heard quite a lot of the work of Carl Verheyen even though you may not be aware of it.

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Why the Right Went Wrong

Book Review: So Many Reasons ‘Why the Right Went Wrong’ in Conservative Politics

REVIEW: Greed, bigotry, and treason head the list of “Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond” (ISBN 9781476763798), the generally helpful new book from E.J. Dionne, Jr.

Book Review: ‘Lightning’ Words about Bird

BOOK REVIEW: The first of a two-part biography of Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker, Stanley Crouch's  “Kansas City Lightning: The Rise and Times of Charlie Parker” (ISBN: 9780062005595) is as multi-layered and exciting as many of Bird's great alto sax solos.
Felicia Day

Book Review: Take Heart, Felicia Day, Because ‘You’re Never Weird on the Internet’ Miss Nerd

REVIEW: Fun, breezy, and ultimately uplifting, Felicia Day's "You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) [A Memoir]" (ISBN: 9781476785653) is good for chuckles, guffaws, and a shipload of laughs. I'm not a gamer. I don't watch webisodes. I've never tuned in to see Supernatural, Eureka, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And up until this week I had never heard of Felicity Day. Oops, I mean Felicia Day.

Book Review: Do You Believe in Magic? The value of ‘The God Delusion’

REVIEW: While it didn't convert me to atheism, 'The God Delusion' (ISBN: 9780618918249) by Richard Dawkins is still terrific and should be required reading for anyone who still thinks religion has any value in society. Dawkins' philosophical points are even persuasive, up to a point, but I cannot join him in his non-belief.

Book Review: People Deserve ‘A Fighting Chance’

REVIEW: Humanity triumphs on every page of Elizabeth Warren's "A Fighting Chance" (ISBN: 9781627790529). Her life story is inspirational but it's her goals -- fairness, a level playing field, justice -- that are crucial to our country's future.

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Upper Class and Low Class: Book review of ‘The Patriarch’ by David Nasaw

BOOK REVIEW: Joseph P. Kennedy was a curious mixture of good and bad: sometimes a hero but oft-times a scoundrel. His incredible life gets a close examination from writer-teacher-historian David Nasaw in "The Patriarch" (ISBN: 978-1-59420-376-3). The dichotomies pile atop one another in a fascinating portrait.

Book Review: Onset of the Zombie Apocalypse in ‘The Invisible Bridge’

REVIEW: A strange saga filled to the brim with fear and loathing, Rick Perlstein's 'The Invisible Bridge' documents the point in US history where the rightwing began to team up with corporations, racists, and morons to begin systematically destroying this nation. Subtitled 'The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan,' the book (ISBN: 978-1-4767-8241-6) is a well-written chill ride full of ominous shudders.

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