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Book Tour at Virginia Libraries & Schools features Author of ‘Amazing Magical Musical Plants’

BOOK NEWS: Bestselling author and award-wining songwriter Thornton Cline will bring his latest published children's book, 'The Amazing Magical Musical Plants' (ISBN: 978-1574243253), to Central Virginia for a free multimedia book event tour of the Richmond Public Library, the Blackstone Public Library, one Richmond Public School and an autograph event for Classical FM radio station, WCPE in Raleigh, N.C. March 8-12, 2016.

New Software: With M3 Mac Bitlocker Loader, Easily Access Bitlocker Encrypted Drives on Mac OSX

SOFTWARE NEWS: M3 Data Recovery Software, a world leading data security solution provider, announces the release of M3 Mac Bitlocker Loader V3.5 - transfer large amounts of data between a Bitlocker encrypted drive and Mac computer with fast speed.

Book Review: Numbers in the Raw Equal ‘Naked Statistics’

REVIEW: Before fleeing in horror from a book about numbers and mathematics, take a moment to consider the humor of Charles Wheelan's “Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data” (ISBN: 978-0-393-34777-7). Odds are you'll enjoy it. Well, at least sixty or seventy percent of it.

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Against All Odds – Celebrating Black Women In Medicine

Award-winning documentary producer and author Crystal Emery recently launched a new campaign and initiative called "Changing the Face of Medicine." Its inaugural event featured...

Daniel P. Douglas, Announces Release of ‘Glimpse’ a Science Fiction Conspiracy Thriller

Award-winning author Daniel P. Douglas recently announced the release of a new short story entitled "Glimpse," a science fiction Cold War suspense thriller published...

Book Review: Supreme Injustice in ‘Injustices: The Supreme Court’s History of Comforting the Comfortable’

REVIEW: Demonstrating how the malignancy known as Conservatism has repeatedly poisoned the Supreme Court of the United States, "Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted" by Ian Millhiser (ISBN: 9781568584560) is detailed, horrific, and important.

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Book Review: Writer Bites Boss in Barton Swaim’s ‘The Speechwriter’

REVIEW: Barton Swaim has done what every writer secretly longs to do: publish the unvarnished reality about his jerk employer. Too short to be called a tell-all, 'The Speechwriter: A Brief Education in Politics' (ISBN: 9781476769929) is an interesting portrait of a stupid and disgusting Republican politician (as if there's any other kind).

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Book Review: Nix On Nixon – ‘One Man Against the World’

REVIEW: Richard Nixon embodied nearly everything that is evil about Conservatives, and then he added alcoholism and paranoia to the mix. In Tim Weiner's 'One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon' (ISBN: 9781627790833), the revelations from Nixon's recently-released secret tapes go beyond the deceitfulness we already knew about Tricky Dick.

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Book Review: ‘Rise of the Robots’ – They’re coming to take your job!

Robotics, politics, and economics -- they're coming to take your job. That's just one warning in "Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future" (ISBN: 9780465059997), Martin Ford's quietly frightening book that's actually more about economics than robotics.

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Book Review: If You Know Nada about Dada – ‘Destruction Was My Beatrice’

REVIEW: It may sound like baby-talk but Dada was a controversial art movement that flared up during World War I and insisted on taking unconventionality to new heights. "Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada and the Unmaking of the Twentieth Century" (ISBN: 9780465089963) by Jed Rasula presents a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of Dadaists as they attempted to forever alter art and literature.

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Book Review: My, What Big Science You Have! Dealing with the Dreaded Military-industrial Complex

REVIEW: Making things go 'boom' is just one result of the incredible journey of the scientists working with Ernest O. Lawrence. His besmirch and destruction lairs -- oops, I mean research and development facilities -- shaped our modern age. Michael Hiltzik takes you up close and personal with the people of “Big Science” (ISBN: 9781451675757) who put us on the road to dealing with the dreaded military-industrial complex.

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Will Humans be the Next Extinction? Welcome to Doomsday in Kolbert’s ‘The Sixth Extinction’

BOOK REVIEW: If humanity keeps on its present course, the result may well be “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” (ISBN: 9781250062185). Elizabeth Kolbert's writing is delightful even as her book documents a doomsday scenario.

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Book Review: Finding a Funny Continent in Bryson’s ‘The Lost Continent’

REVIEW: Chuckles, chortles, grins, guffaws and belly laughs. You'll find all that and more in 'The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America' (ISBN: 9780060920081), a wonderfully observant and politically incorrect book from Bill Bryson.

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Book Review: Birthed in Blood and Betrayal – A People’s History of the United States

REVIEW: With two million copies sold, Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' (ISBN: 9780060838652) is possibly the most successful history book in, well, history. It is also riveting, sobering, and valuable. While decent Americans admire it, RWNJs loathe it.

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New book, ‘Music Business For Dummies’ by Loren Weisman

BOOK NEWS: A new book was released this month by music industry veteran, producer, and marketing guru, Loren Weisman, the latest in the 'for Dummies' book series, "Music Business For Dummies" (ISBN: 978-1119049654; trade paper; Wiley). The author describes the book thusly, "'Music Business For Dummies' explains the ins and outs of the music industry for artists and business people just starting out.

New Book ‘The Outworlds: War Torrent’ by Daniel P. Douglas Mixes Military, Metaphysical Science Fiction

BOOK NEWS: Geminid Press, LLC has announced release of a new science fiction adventure by acclaimed author Daniel P. Douglas: "The Outworlds: War Torrent" (ISBN: 9780692450048). In "War Torrent," ancient reptilian aliens clash in a war that is the start of a new interstellar crusade orchestrated by evil ethereal entities whose intent is radical genetic purification of the galaxy, and Earth's Stone Age humans are their next target.

New comic book promotes cultural diversity, ‘SuperSikh and The Atma Defenders’

COMIC BOOK NEWS: Combining science fiction with meditation and spirituality, "SuperSikh and The Atma Defenders" is a comic book fostering a new unique approach to the genre and bares personal significance to its creators: "Why are the guys that are wearing turbans always the bad guys?" Ravi Singh used to ask his mother when watching Saturday morning cartoons as a child. His mother's response was, "Go ahead and create your own Superhero."

New Book, ‘784 Broadway’ by James Ring described as a northern version of Huckleberry Finn

BOOK NEWS: In author James Ring's second book, "784 Broadway" (ISBN: 978-1506164182; Omni Publishing Company), he brings to life his immigrant Italian heritage by recounting summer visits to his family's small green grocer store in New York's Hudson Valley. "784 Broadway" has been described as a "northern version of 'Huckleberry Finn' and just as enchanting."

Book Review: What if we Tax and Spend Wisely? – ‘We Are Better Than This’

BOOK REVIEW: While it's aimed at policy wonks instead of the normal reading public, "We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money" (ISBN: 9780199332243) by Edward D. Kleinbard contains much that could help the USA live up to our repeated claims of being the greatest nation in the world.

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Book Review: ‘Data and Goliath’ – You Don’t Have Any Secrets Anymore

REVIEW: Privacy is becoming an antiquated concept. In "Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World" (ISBN: 9780393244816), security expert Bruce Schneier leads you through a labyrinth of surveillance that should scare the hell out of you.

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