New Book ‘The Outworlds: War Torrent’ by Daniel P. Douglas Mixes Military, Metaphysical Science Fiction
New comic book promotes cultural diversity, ‘SuperSikh and The Atma Defenders’
New Book, ‘784 Broadway’ by James Ring described as a northern version of Huckleberry Finn
Book Review: What if we Tax and Spend Wisely? – ‘We Are Better Than This’
BOOK REVIEW: While it's aimed at policy wonks instead of the normal reading public, "We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money" (ISBN: 9780199332243) by Edward D. Kleinbard contains much that could help the USA live up to our repeated claims of being the greatest nation in the world.
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Book Review: ‘Data and Goliath’ – You Don’t Have Any Secrets Anymore
Screenplay in Development for Sci-Fi Conspiracy Thriller ‘Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project’
Inspirational book trilogy ‘The Joy of Heaven’ by author-artist Daniel Leske illustrates what awaits us in heaven
Book Review: Do You Believe in Magic? The value of ‘The God Delusion’
D.L. Carroll’s book series including ‘Sir Licksalot and The Bay Fools’ earns 2015 Star Award from Family Review Center
Book Review: Real-life Horror Story is a Prison of Disbelief in ‘Going Clear’
Book Review: Tome of the Unknown Woman Warrior
Ten Steps to Become Successfully Self-Published
Book Review: GOP vs. USA: A Brief History – ‘To Make Men Free’
BOOK REVIEW: From a force for good to today's evil incarnate, the Republican Party has had its rare ups and insidious downs before arriving at their current position as supporters of gridlock, corporatism, oligarchy, and all things anti-humane. In "To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party" (ISBN: 9780465024315) the whole sordid story of the GOP is told by Heather Cox Richardson in lightning-fast segments.
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‘Books to Bookmark’ List of 19 Fascinating Books from 2014 You’ve Never Heard Of
Book Review: Tons of ‘Corruption in America’ – venality has been in bloodstream of politicians since founding
REVIEW: Zephyr Teachout believes that venality has been on the minds and in the bloodstream of politicians since the founding of the nation. In "Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United" (ISBN: 9780674050402) she makes the case and provides some possible resolutions to the problem.
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Book Review: Naomi Klein’s Revolutionary Take on Capitalism ‘This Changes Everything’
REVIEW: Naomi Klein writes passionately and persuasively in her new book, 'This Changes Everything' (ISBN: 9781451697384). It will anger you, scare you, throw you for a loop, and ultimately uplift you.
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Book Review: Onset of the Zombie Apocalypse in ‘The Invisible Bridge’
REVIEW: A strange saga filled to the brim with fear and loathing, Rick Perlstein's 'The Invisible Bridge' documents the point in US history where the rightwing began to team up with corporations, racists, and morons to begin systematically destroying this nation. Subtitled 'The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan,' the book (ISBN: 978-1-4767-8241-6) is a well-written chill ride full of ominous shudders.
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Book Review: ‘What You Don’t Know About Politics’ Would Fill a Book
REVIEW (by John Scott G): Stacks of facts tumble over each other in the second edition of 'What You Should Know About Politics...But Don't" (ISBN-13: 9781611454758) by Jessamyn Conrad, and it would be an incredibly valuable book if it contained an index. Still, this is a fairly handy reference guide despite some notable lapses into placating the odious conservative fringe.
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Financial Softworks, LLC announces updated version of DashBook Royalty Pro
Book Review: People Deserve ‘A Fighting Chance’
REVIEW: Humanity triumphs on every page of Elizabeth Warren's "A Fighting Chance" (ISBN: 9781627790529). Her life story is inspirational but it's her goals -- fairness, a level playing field, justice -- that are crucial to our country's future.
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