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Book News from Publishers Newswire

New Book, ‘784 Broadway’ by James Ring described as a northern version of Huckleberry Finn

BOOK NEWS: In author James Ring's second book, "784 Broadway" (ISBN: 978-1506164182; Omni Publishing Company), he brings to life his immigrant Italian heritage by recounting summer visits to his family's small green grocer store in New York's Hudson Valley. "784 Broadway" has been described as a "northern version of 'Huckleberry Finn' and just as enchanting."

Updated edition of ‘101 Ways To Say Thank You’ by Kelly Browne released

BOOK NEWS: Author Kelly Browne recently announced that her bestselling book on modern manners, "101 Ways To Say Thank You" (ISBN: 9781402747021; Sterling Publishing) was reissued with new digital generation tips on April 28, 2015. This refreshed and reissued etiquette classic, updated with new information for the digital age.

New Book,’Age Healthier Live Happier – Avoiding Over-Medication through Natural Hormone Balance’ by Dr. Gary Donovitz

BOOK NEWS: Gary Donovitz M.D. recently announced publication of his book "Age Healthier Live Happier - Avoiding Over-Medication through Natural Hormone Balance" (ISBN: 9780990706458; CelebrityPress). According to the author, his book outlines the many positive health factors that bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy provides..

New Book by Margaret Galabe: ‘The First-ever Baligham Village Mobile Health Fair’

BOOK NEWS: Author Margaret Galabe's new book, "The First-ever Baligham Village Mobile Health Fair" (ISBN: 978-1320315005), is a story of mothers and their babies, families and the myriad of health concerns facing this underserved remote village in Cameroon. It is "an unforgettable story of the triumph of the human spirit over poverty, hopelessness and despair."

Screenplay in Development for Sci-Fi Conspiracy Thriller ‘Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project’

BOOK NEWS: Geminid Press recently announced it has partnered with writer-director Jack Snyder to develop a screenplay for the acclaimed science fiction conspiracy thriller "Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project" (ISBN: 978-0990737100) by Daniel P. Douglas. In the SF novel, readers plunge into a storyline featuring former FBI agent William Harrison who finds himself hot on the trail of a major "extraterrestrial cover-up."

Inspirational book trilogy ‘The Joy of Heaven’ by author-artist Daniel Leske illustrates what awaits us in heaven

BOOK NEWS: Daniel Leske, with a degree in physics, is the author and illustrator of the new book trilogy, "The Joy of Heaven" (ISBN: 978-1597553759; Book 1), an "inspirational series of creatively illustrated books that are filled with words and images of how heaven was revealed to him by God."

D.L. Carroll’s book series including ‘Sir Licksalot and The Bay Fools’ earns 2015 Star Award from Family Review Center

NEWS: Family Review Center recently honored author D.L. Carroll, creator of the "Sir Licksalot" children's book series, with the "Star Award" for 2015. The Star Award is to recognize outstanding companies and business owners. An interview with Carroll is published in the 2015 Awards Edition of the Family Review Center's Magazine.

New book helps you find the right position no matter what shade of grey you like

BOOK NEWS: Certified master sex expert educator and sex and relationship coach, Nikki Ransom-Alfred, recently announced her new book "30 Sex Positions and Tips For Getting Wild, Rough, and Kinky" for lovers looking for adventure. The guide is an overall reflection of the consultations she provides during her workshops, lectures and in private consultations.

‘Gnomes in the Garden’ are real says author and intuitive counselor David Swing

When a writer gets the initial idea that their work is valuable enough to see the light of day and deserves public attention, that is when everything gets seriously tricky. Traditional publishing is a very attractive yet competitive method of releasing a book into the marketplace, especially since there are a limited number of manuscripts actually accepted annually by publishing houses.

New book reveals early days of corn syrup in foods: ‘SWEET SUCCESS: A Journey of Change and Challenge’

BOOK NEWS: Doug Lapins' new book, "SWEET SUCCESS: A Journey of Change and Challenge" (ISBN 978-0-9905995-0-0; paper; Foursome Press) chronicles the changes, challenges, and guiding principles of a thirty year stellar corporate career. "SWEET SUCCESS" also tells the history of a then-new product, high-fructose corn syrup, with the "inside story" of how, over time, a money-saving and seemingly harmless new sweetener became a controversial product.

‘Books to Bookmark’ List of 19 Fascinating Books from 2014 You’ve Never Heard Of

BOOK NEWS: Want something different on your e-reader or night stand this year? We've recently announced our latest semi-annual "Books to Bookmark" list of new titles "worth a look" that most people have probably not heard of. This list contains 19 "fascniating new books" published in 2014 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishers, or "big name" authors.

New book, ‘We Are Buyers. You Are Sellers. You’re Busted’ by Dick Lee

BOOK NEWS: Author and veteran corporate consultant Dick Lee recently announced his new book, "We Are Buyers. You Are Sellers. You're Busted" (ISBN: 978-1-4834-1692-2; HVMPress). According to the author, the book's goal is "to track historically corporate abuse of customers and describe the resulting deterioration of buyer-seller relations."

New book, The Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookbook: Delicious Recipes for Sweets, Treats, and Other Autumnal Delights

BOOK NEWS: Super-foods author Stephanie Pedersen recently announced her holiday cook book, "The Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookbook: Delicious Recipes for Sweets, Treats, and Other Autumnal Delights" (ISBN: 9781454913986), "which beautifully illustrates the manner in which pumpkin pie spice lends a welcome warmth to a range of fare."

New Book, Bionic Pioneers: Brave Neurotech Users Blaze the Trail to New Therapies

BOOK NEWS: Neurotech Press recently announced the publication of a new book that profiles some of the "unsung heroes of medical technologies," those brave people who were among the first to use a new or experimental therapy or device. "Bionic Pioneers: Brave Neurotech Users Blaze the Trail to New Therapies" (ISBN: 978-0-9882342-2-2), is written by Jennifer French and James Cavuoto.

New book, ‘Behind the Lines, WWI’s little-known story …’ by Jeffrey B. Miller

BOOK NEWS: Author Jeffrey B. Miller recently announced his new nonfiction book, "Behind the Lines, WWI's little-known story of German occupation, Belgian resistance, and the band of Yanks who saved millions from starvation" (ISBN: 978-0990689300; Milbrown Press). The book chronicles the start of the Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB), the first CRB delegates, and Belgium under the harsh German rule; one of America's "greatest humanitarian endeavors."

New book, The Remembered Self: A Journey Into the Heart of the Beast, by M.J. Payne

BOOK NEWS: Author M.J. Payne this week announced her new novel, based on real life events, "The Remembered Self: A Journey Into the Heart of the Beast" (ISBN: 978-1457529214; paperback). According to the author, the book "depicts the vicious world of sex trafficking of children, the emotional damage and physical experience of forced intimacy in a violent setting from the victim's point of view."

New book, The Landing At Aipotu: A Fantasy Account of Flight MH370, by John F. Brinster

"The Landing At Aipotu: A Fantasy Account of Flight MH370" (ISBN: 978-1478738060) by John F. Brinster, is based on speculation following its mysterious disappearance...

New Book, Mission Critical, Examines our Public Schools

Award-winning educator and writer Eric A. Combs, recently announced his ambitious and eye-opening book, "Mission Critical" (ISBN: 978-1940876061), a non-fiction title encompassing his thoughts...

New Book: How to Make Your Home Flood Safe, by Capt. Dan Berg

A new book, "How To Make Your Home Flood Safe" (ISBN: 978-1494923754; Aqua Explorers Inc) by Capt. Dan Berg, is the complete homeowners guide...

Author Loren Weisman to ‘Rock’ the 2014 LA Times Festival of Books

NEWS: On Saturday, April 12th and April 13th 2014, Loren Weisman will be at Booth 934 at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books with his Music Business Book, "The Artists Guide to Success in the Music Business" (ISBN-13: 978-1608325788) taking place at the University of Southern California's University Park Campus.

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