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Goebbels: A Biography

Book Review: Peter Longerich’s ‘Goebbels: A Biography’ is Excellent, Appalling, and Instructive

REVIEW: Yes, it's true: Joseph Goebbels Helps today's GOP. Often considered the father of modern propaganda, Goebbels foreshadowed the GOP playbook in terms of distortion, deception, and dishonesty. Peter Longerich's "Goebbels: A Biography" (ISBN: 9781400067510) is excellent, appalling, and instructive.
The Influence Machine

Book Review: In Katz’s ‘The Influence Machine’ Taxpayers Foot the Bill for The USCC

REVIEW: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a tool for the forces of evil. Don't believe it? You can read about their anti-American and anti-humanity actions in "The Influence Machine: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Corporate Capture of American Life" (ISBN: 9780812993288), an excellent modern-day piece of muckraking by Alyssa Katz.
Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few

Book Review: ‘Saving Capitalism’ by Robert Reich is a Capital Idea

REVIEW: Almost everyone who examines capitalism comes away with finger-and-thumb firmly pinching the nose. Taking a positive approach, Robert Reich exposes the faults but also recommends solutions in his superb "Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few" (ISBN: 9780385350570).

Book Review: ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’ is delightful and fascinating

REVIEW: How often do you look forward to reading about science and history? Bill Bryson makes learning enjoyable in 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' (ISBN: 978-0-307-88515-9) now available in an illustrated edition. Why can't textbooks be this delightful and fascinating?

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Book Review: Loutish Voice in the Room, er, ‘The Loudest Voice in the Room’

BOOK REVIEW: Considering the filth-in-human-form known as Roger Ailes, the despicable lead character in "The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger Ailes Built Fox News -- and Divided a Country" (ISBN: 978-0-8129-9285-4), you might expect to come away from each chapter feeling demeaned. Instead, author Gabriel Sherman just leaves you shaking your head in shock and shame.

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