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Adventures in Self-Publishing: Social Media and Crowdsourcing Feedback from Your Peers

You may acquire a chance to compose a work of beauty and release it into marketplaces around the world, making it available to people whom of which have never seen the likes of your work ever before, but how exactly are going to promote this event?

Book Review: Not Glad, Not Well – ‘David and Goliath’

BOOK REVIEW: Perhaps nothing could have lived up to the anticipation for Malcolm Gladwell's new book but unfortunately "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants" (ISBN: 9780316204361) is limp, frivolous, a little silly, and unnecessary. The only saving grace is that it is written with a fluid style so it won't take you too long to read.

New Book, ‘Memoir of an Unlikely Savior’ by Peter VanDenBeemt

Author Peter VanDenBeemt recently announced the publication of his new novel "Memoir of an Unlikely Savior" (ISBN: 1490939172) which tells the story of a...

Truth in Fiction: Book review of ‘Malraux: A Life’ by Olivier Todd

BOOK REVIEW: Author, revolutionary, liar. Wait, perhaps 'creative assembler of semi-factual data' might be a better way to describe the extraordinary life of Andre Malraux. ("Malraux: A Life" by Olivier Todd; Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN-13: 978-0375407024.)

Book Review: ‘Thank You, Anarchy’ by Nathan Schneider

BOOK REVIEW: Anarchy gets a new and more positive definition in Nathan Schneider's book about the Occupy movement, "Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse." Part history, part on-the-scene reporting, and part hope for a better future, the work is valuable and delightfully controversial.

Adventures in Self-Publishing: On Audiobook Production

Developing an audiobook for your book is more difficult than it may initially come across, for if it should be compared to any other process, I would most certainly have to say that it’s like filming a movie. The various stages in which must be completed in order to completely and successfully compose a single audiobook require immense amounts of time and patience.

Upper Class and Low Class: Book review of ‘The Patriarch’ by David Nasaw

BOOK REVIEW: Joseph P. Kennedy was a curious mixture of good and bad: sometimes a hero but oft-times a scoundrel. His incredible life gets a close examination from writer-teacher-historian David Nasaw in "The Patriarch" (ISBN: 978-1-59420-376-3). The dichotomies pile atop one another in a fascinating portrait.

Whilly Bermudez talks about his new illustrated children’s book ‘WB & The 10 Good Things’

Whilly Bermudez is a public speaker, motivator, and author. Recently he completed and announced a new illustrated children's book, "WB & The 10 Good...

Adventures in Self-Publishing: Teen Poet Aaron Ozee on His Experiences with Publishing His First Works

Over the past five years as a published author, I have been able to establish many useful connections in the self-publishing industry, as well as figure out exactly what it takes to be a successful and renowned self-published author.

Now in Kindle Edition, ‘Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation Goddess’ by Lisa...

Now in Kindle Edition: Discover the secret of creating a spirit rich, financially thriving divine feminine life and business with award-winning author Lisa Michael's bestseller, "Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation" (ISBN: 978-1490957234).

New book, ‘Lion Taming: How Busy Professional Women Avoid the Seven Most Disappointing Suitors and Date Higher,’ by Corey Weiner

MIAMI, Fla. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Hypothesis Publishing Company recently announced publication of what they are describing as the decade's first next generation dating book, "Lion Taming: How Busy Professional Women Avoid the Seven Most Disappointing Suitors and Date Higher," by Corey Weiner. The book is described as "a concise, info-packed read encouraging women to discriminate - politely that is - in their romantic lives without changing a thing about themselves or manipulating others." Part socio-economics, part Freudian psychology is how the author describes "Lion Taming."

Now in Kindle eBook format, ‘Celestial Inferno: Poems of Another Realm’ by poet Aaron Ozee

ADDISON, Ill. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Celestial Inferno: Poems of Another Realm," initially released in hardcover, is now available as an eBook through Amazon as a Kindle edition (ASIN: B00C9PEW3U; 32pp; Aaron Ozee Poems), as well as other ebook formats through top book resellers. First published at age 16, Ozee always found converting his inner thoughts and feelings into the written word was the best way to show others his intelligence.

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