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Motivational Book by Author Valerie Stallworth Stephens is More Than ‘One Black Woman’s Opinion’

DALLAS, Texas /Publishers Newswire/ -- What started out as therapy, ended up as a compilation of motivational writings in "One Black Woman's Opinion" (ISBN:...

Barnes & Noble Announces PubIt!, an Easy-to-Use Digital Publishing and Distribution Platform for Independent and Self-Publishers

NEW YORK, N.Y. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the world’s largest bookseller, is extending its deep and longstanding tradition of...

Papal Rogues, The New Thriller by Ron Wilk Explores The Dangers of Computer Hacking

MIAMI, Fla. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Papal Rogues," the debut thriller by author Ron Wilk, is garnering buzz due to its controversial plot which focuses...

Day Three Recap: Self-Publishers Online Conference 2010

SPOC SHOW RECAP - DAY THREE (FINAL DAY): The third and final day of SPOC 2010 (May 14) focused on turning your book into...

Day Two Recap: Self-Publishers Online Conference 2010

SPOC SHOW RECAP - DAY TWO: The second day (May 13) of SPOC was chock full of helpful ideas for promoting your book to...

Day One Recap: Self-Publishers Online Conference 2010

SPOC SHOW RECAP - DAY ONE: The first day (May 12th) of SPOC was a whirlwind of information. If you joined us, you listened...

Starts Today: Second Annual Virtual Conference for Book Industry and Self-Publishing – 15 Industry Experts Tell All

SANDPOINT, Idaho /Publishers Newswire/ -- Those who want to learn more about book publishing no longer have to worry about flight delays, security lines,...

mym3 is First Validated iPhone and iPad Medical App for Depression and Anxiety

WASHINGTON, D.C. /Publishers Newswire/ -- M-3 Information, LLC entered the smart phone application environment by offering the M-3 Checklist, a scientifically validated screen for...

EyeRoute Mobile is First iPhone App for Ophthalmic Image Management

PARAMUS, N.J. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Topcon Medical Systems announced today that the mobile version of its successful EyeRoute(R) Image Management Suite is now available...

Voices.com Mobile App for iPhone Showcases 25,000 Voiceover Talents for Hire

TORONTO, Canada /Publishers Newswire/ -- Voices.com is joining the mobile revolution with its own app to showcase its roster of over 25,000 voice over...

Respondus Offers StudyMate Interactive Learning Activities for iPhone and iPad

REDMOND, Wash. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Respondus, Inc. recently announced the availability of two mobile solutions for its StudyMate Class application, enabling students to access...

New 2010 Long Term Care Guide Includes Healthcare Reform Update

KIRKLAND, Wash. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Many Americans seem confused and immobilized by a key part of the recent Health Reform legislation, the CLASS Act,...

New DVD from Omni Publishing Co. Educates Parents on Legal Consequences of Cyber Bullying

WAREHAM, Mass. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Omni Publishing Co. today announced the May 15 release of a DVD aimed at helping parents understand the criminal...

Nominations for Authors and Editors for the United Nations Environmental Programme Fifth Global Environment Outlook

WASHINGTON, D.C. /Publishers Newswire/ -- The Department of State has submitted for publication in the Federal Register a notification to members of the public...

Waking up to the iPad Wi-Fi+3G – Part One

Publishers Newswire COLUMN: I pre-ordered my new Apple iPad 64GB Wi-Fi + 3G, and so it arrived yesterday afternoon (Friday). But, being busy this...

Publishers Conference is at the Forefront of Two Key Trends: The Rise in Self-Publishing and Virtual Trade Shows

SANDPOINT, Idaho /Publishers Newswire/ -- Recession or no, more books are being published now than at any time in history. Yet attendance at publishing...

New Book, ‘The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business’ Lauded by Industry Veterans

SEATTLE, Wash. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "The Artist's Guide to Success in the Music Business" (ISBN: 978-1-935359-33-3) was just released by author Loren Weisman. The...

Ron Wilk’s new novel ‘Papal Rogues’ draws the reader into the clandestine underbelly of corporate America, US military and the Vatican

MIAMI, Fla. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Papal Rogues" (ISBN: 978-1936183029), the debut thriller by author Ron Wilk is now available through book stores nationwide. "Papal...

Authors Receive Self-Publisher Education and Book Promotion Discounts at Virtual Conference

TORRANCE, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Neotrope this week announced it has joined in sponsoring the second annual Self-Publishers Online Conference (SPOC), a three-day virtual...

Bowker Reports Traditional U.S. Book Production Flat in 2009

New Providence, N.J. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Bowker, the global leader in bibliographic information, today released statistics on U.S. book publishing for 2009, compiled from...

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