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Book Review: Not Glad, Not Well – ‘David and Goliath’

BOOK REVIEW: Perhaps nothing could have lived up to the anticipation for Malcolm Gladwell's new book but unfortunately "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants" (ISBN: 9780316204361) is limp, frivolous, a little silly, and unnecessary. The only saving grace is that it is written with a fluid style so it won't take you too long to read.

Truth in Fiction: Book review of ‘Malraux: A Life’ by Olivier Todd

BOOK REVIEW: Author, revolutionary, liar. Wait, perhaps 'creative assembler of semi-factual data' might be a better way to describe the extraordinary life of Andre Malraux. ("Malraux: A Life" by Olivier Todd; Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN-13: 978-0375407024.)

A Guy Called Joe (That’s Mr. Satriani to You)

ADSP Chapter 21: Some guitarists play at lightning speed but it's the tone, the style, and the aura of magic that define the true heroes of the electric guitar. Joe Satriani. You've heard his work or you've heard his name, and he's either the greatest thing since sex or he's simply a technical master who goes through his shtick very well but has no true worth. (I look forward to your letters.)

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Adventures in Self-Publishing: On Audiobook Production

Developing an audiobook for your book is more difficult than it may initially come across, for if it should be compared to any other process, I would most certainly have to say that it’s like filming a movie. The various stages in which must be completed in order to completely and successfully compose a single audiobook require immense amounts of time and patience.

Oh Buddy: This Guy is Great – Blues guitar virtuoso Buddy Guy succeeds on every level

ADSP Chapter 22: Blues guitar virtuoso Buddy Guy succeeds on every level from soul to sizzle to showmanship. Sitting in his trailer before taking the stage for a festival performance, Buddy Guy is philosophical about his place in the pantheon of blues guitarists.

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Whilly Bermudez talks about his new illustrated children’s book ‘WB & The 10 Good Things’

Whilly Bermudez is a public speaker, motivator, and author. Recently he completed and announced a new illustrated children's book, "WB & The 10 Good...

Adventures in Self-Publishing: Teen Poet Aaron Ozee on His Experiences with Publishing His First Works

Over the past five years as a published author, I have been able to establish many useful connections in the self-publishing industry, as well as figure out exactly what it takes to be a successful and renowned self-published author.

God of Guitar: A Visceral Reaction to Jeff Beck

ADSP Chapter 2 -- God of Guitar: A Visceral Reaction to Jeff Beck -- There are 6,189 seats in the Gibson Amphitheater and guitar players are in 5,133 of them. Girlfriends of guitar players are in the rest. The occasion is a rare appearance by Jeff Beck, a somewhat reclusive Englishman whose stunning fret-board work has influenced pop, rock, heavy metal, blues, R&B, and jazz-rock fusion.

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Dead Uncertain: Book Review of ‘Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife’ by Mary Roach

BOOK REVIEW: When you die, what happens? Lots of folks are attempting to make money by demonstrating they have the answer, but there's this teeny-tiny thing called facts getting in their way. Mary Roach finds humor in every bone-chilling moment of her investigation.

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Night on the Town, or: Untouchable Sex Chain in Tupelo

ARTICLE: There I was, working at an ad agency whose main office was located not too far from Amoeba Records and the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, not to mention a whole bunch of clubs, bars, nightspots, and everything else in that gaudy cesspool known as Tinsel Town. The ad shop was a medium-sized place with only a couple dozen employees but they had some very busy retail accounts like car dealerships and a national chain of pizza restaurants.

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Singers and their Songs – they need tunes and lyrics before they step into the spotlight

ARTICLE: "That's a hit song!" The speaker was Wendie Colter, complimenting fellow artist Fran Lucci on one of her warm numbers. This was just before Colter delivered one of several potential hit songs of her own. And it was near the middle of a set featuring nicely textured work by Denise (lead singer from the indie band Jacar), as well as several crowd-rousing numbers from the supremely strong-voiced Mara.

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Musicians Who Go Above and Beyond

ARTICLE: Musicians of every type, from the deplorable to the divine, hit the stage every night of the week. Amongst the many who are mundane you can sometimes find a superstar that just hasen't yet been thrust into the limelight.

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Clubbing: Rakit, Soul Friction, Organik, EYE

ARTICLE: Okay, who's making this incredible racket? Oh wait, it's Rakit, a three-piece group that never saw a volume-boosting device it didn't like. The music they create is dark, mysterious, pounding, tortuous, arduous, twisted, hazardous, risky, treacherous, freaky, and full of danger. In other words, it's great fun.

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Clubbing: Larisa Stow, Chris Pierce, Jillian Speer, Dakota Moon, Shannon Moore

ARTICLE: Taking a ride on a cosmic wave of positive energy is a joy that special performers offer. Here are some notable examples of artists who provide transcendence within the forms of popular music. Some musicians seem to provide their own light. Larisa Stow is someone whose on-stage persona contains a million watt beacon. While her vocals are quite lovely, the force of her talent can make you think hers is the prettiest voice in the world.

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Waking up to the iPad Wi-Fi+3G – Part Two

COLUMN: It's now day two as an iPad cult member and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Today I managed to try out a...

Waking up to the iPad Wi-Fi+3G – Part One

Publishers Newswire COLUMN: I pre-ordered my new Apple iPad 64GB Wi-Fi + 3G, and so it arrived yesterday afternoon (Friday). But, being busy this...

Apple Unveils the new iPad – the 21st Century Mac, iBook Reader, and Portable Playground

Publishers Newswire COLUMN: Well, it's finally here. I can stop holding my breath, crossing my toes, and praying to the mighty Mr. Jobs that...

The Present and Future of e-Books

For this "roundtable" we're discussing the future of e-books (electronic books). The question posited to our panel is this: "Do you think e-books will...

The Benefits of Media Coaching for Book Authors

Media Coaching is the practice of helping someone become comfortable with dealing with the media, whether it's a phone interview, on-air appearance, or talk...

Interview: Richard Samson, Author of ‘Mind Over Technology’

An interview with Richard Samson, consultant, expert on mental skills, human effectiveness and user interfaces, and author of "Mind Over Technology, Coming Out on...

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