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Tag: Richard Nixon

Book Review: Nix On Nixon – ‘One Man Against the World’

REVIEW: Richard Nixon embodied nearly everything that is evil about Conservatives, and then he added alcoholism and paranoia to the mix. In Tim Weiner's 'One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon' (ISBN: 9781627790833), the revelations from Nixon's recently-released secret tapes go beyond the deceitfulness we already knew about Tricky Dick.

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Book Review: Onset of the Zombie Apocalypse in ‘The Invisible Bridge’

REVIEW: A strange saga filled to the brim with fear and loathing, Rick Perlstein's 'The Invisible Bridge' documents the point in US history where the rightwing began to team up with corporations, racists, and morons to begin systematically destroying this nation. Subtitled 'The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan,' the book (ISBN: 978-1-4767-8241-6) is a well-written chill ride full of ominous shudders.

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