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Publishing: Glenn Koenig Celebrates Release of his First Book, ‘A Man Wearing a Dress’

Publishing NEWS: -- After three years of work, first time author Glenn Koenig is celebrating the publication of his first book, "A Man Wearing a Dress" (ISBN: 978-0998583303) now available from publisher Message Rain. He plans to host a book release party on Nov. 14, 2017 at the Robbins Library, 700 Mass. Ave., in Arlington center.

New book reveals early days of corn syrup in foods: ‘SWEET SUCCESS: A Journey of Change and Challenge’

BOOK NEWS: Doug Lapins' new book, "SWEET SUCCESS: A Journey of Change and Challenge" (ISBN 978-0-9905995-0-0; paper; Foursome Press) chronicles the changes, challenges, and guiding principles of a thirty year stellar corporate career. "SWEET SUCCESS" also tells the history of a then-new product, high-fructose corn syrup, with the "inside story" of how, over time, a money-saving and seemingly harmless new sweetener became a controversial product.

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