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Publishing: ‘Human Dimension’ intensifies in Delta Tango Trilogy Book 2

Publishing NEWS: -- Border Patrol Agent-to-be Layne Sheppard has met the girl of his dreams as The Delta Tango Trilogy continues with Book Two: "Felina's Spell" (ISBN: 978-1631955457), released by Morgan James Publishing and available in stores and online now.

Publishing: Cirsova Publishing to Collect Nearly-Lost Pulp Works of Julian Hawthorne

Publishing NEWS: -- Cirsova Publishing will be collecting and restoring the nearly-lost All-Story Weekly fiction of Julian Hawthorne, son of famed American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Publishing: Legacy Launch Pad Publishing Releases Memoir by Writer-Comedian and Widow of NFL Super Bowl Champion Nate Hobgood-Chittick

Publishing NEWS: -- Legacy Launch Pad Publishing is releasing the first book by writer and comedian Kelsey Chittick. The hilarious and moving memoir, "Second Half: Surviving Loss and Finding Magic in the Missing" (ISBN: 978-1951407445), documents her experience losing her husband, NFL football player Nate Hobgood-Chittick, when he was 42 and then navigating love, loss and widowhood while raising two children.

Publishing: ‘Beyond the Wheat Field – The Life-After-Life of Steve Jobs’ – A Compilation of After Life Communications with a Tech...

Publishing NEWS: -- Tech alchemist, showman, and visionary Steve Jobs set the world on fire with his insight and involvement with some of the world's greatest advancements in personal computer technology. A new book by Katherine Talley and Joy Lawrance recounts spiritual dialogues that Talley has had with Jobs since his passing.

Publishing: Executive Leadership and Transformation Coach Jovita Jenkins to Speak at Management and Leadership Skills Masterclass

Publishing NEWS: -- SNGroup announced today that International Executive Coach, Jovita Jenkins, will be featured as a distinguished speaker at the upcoming live webinar: "Critical Management Skills for Managers and Leaders Virtual Masterclass" to be held Nov. 16, 2021. Jenkins is the author of "Get Out Of Your Own Way" (ISBN: ‎978-0974988719).

Publishing: Legacy Launch Pad Publishing Releases Memoir Connecting Family, Business and Faith

Publishing NEWS: -- Legacy Launch Pad Publishing is releasing the first book by MH Equipment CEO John Wieland. "Uncommon Threads: Weaving a Life Through Family, Business and Faith" (ISBN: 978-1951407711) is equal parts self-deprecating and informative.

Publishing: New Book, ‘Drunk Talk’ Is an Emotional Roller Coaster Ride with A Twist of Humor

Publishing NEWS: -- Authors Mike Davis and TL Banks are announcing their new book "Drunk Talk" (ISBN: 979-8675709625). "Drunk Talk" is a true original that keeps you laughing all the while being intrigued. "Since nobody listens to drunks, we decided to turn our rants into an entire book," says Davis.

Publishing: Launch Pad Releases First Book By Real Estate Mogul and Art Impresario Daniel Lebensohn

Publishing NEWS: -- Los Angeles based publishing company Launch Pad Publishing is celebrating the release of "The Art of the Real: Real Life, Real Relationships and Real Estate" (ISBN: 978-1951407629) - the debut memoir from Daniel Lebensohn.

Publishing: African-American Woman College Student Retention Expert, Dr. Ezella McPherson Teaches Educational Institutions How to Retain and Graduate At-Risk Students

Publishing NEWS: -- According to U.S. News & World Report, 1 in 3 first-year college students will not return for their sophomore year. Dr. Ezella McPherson has retained 82% to 100% of at-risk first-year college students during her tenure at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Wayne State University, and Indiana University. She shares more about her success with at-risk college students in her new book, "Real Outreach: A Practical Guide to Retaining and Graduating College Students" (ISBN: 978-1737273103).

Publishing: Cancer survivor and preemie mom release new book ‘Living The Mango-licious Life: Sips & Tips On Surviving & Thriving Beyond...

Publishing NEWS: -- According to the American Cancer Society, about 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. Of that number of new cases, it is estimated that about 43,600 women will die. It is said that 1 in 10 babies are born before being considered full-term. Amidst those grim statistics, get ready for a powerful story about one woman, author Tanya Wilson, who beat the odds.

Publishing: Book Premiere for Former Convict Turned Multi-Millionaire Bikini Barista Mogul

Publishing NEWS: -- On July 31, 2021, Los Angeles based publishing company Launch Pad Publishing is celebrating the release of "Something Better's Brewing: What I Learned From Prison, Parenthood and Pouring Coffee" (ISBN: 978-195140765) - the debut memoir from Sarah Birnel.

Publishing: American Icon ‘Biker’s Bible’ EASYRIDERS Returns: New License Deal Brings Biker Lifestyle to The Masses

Publishing NEWS: -- GIT Corp., a publishing company out of New York, today announced a new partnership with ER71 USA. Inc. ("ER71") to license an exciting new monthly motorcycle magazine title that brings all the two-wheeled excitement of the motorcycle culture to the masses.

Publishing: The EveryLibrary Institute Acquires NationDigital.io

Publishing NEWS: -- NationDigital.io is now a Social Enterprise venture of the EveryLibrary Institute, NFP, a non-partisan library-focused 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the future of libraries and literacy across the globe. This acquisition will allow us to expand what we're able to offer you!

Publishing: New Children’s Book Entitled ‘Adventure Zone’ Excites Experts with Its Fun Format to Explain Pediatric Therapies

Publishing NEWS: -- Authors Allison Klimowicz and Veronica Stanley-Hooper have written a children's book entitled "Adventure Zone" (ISBN: 979-8524737199). This book, written for parents and children from the ages of 6 to 12 years old, explains pediatric therapies in a fun, informative way.

Publishing: Kalyagen Announces Release of Free eBook on How to Optimize Health Using Stem Cells

Publishing NEWS: -- Kalyagen® has announced the release and availability of a free eBook, "The Stemregen Effect - Tapping into the Power of Your Own Stem Cells," which provides an overview of how stem cells are the body's repair system and how STEMREGEN®, a natural stem cell enhancer, has been documented to increase the number of circulating stem cells by stimulating Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization (ESCM).

Publishing: InstantPublisher Adds Warehousing and Fulfillment Services to Quarantine Writing Advice and Book Self-Publishing Services Discount

Publishing NEWS: -- InstantPublisher.com is proud to add warehousing and fulfillment services to its line of self-publishing services. Why did InstantPublisher add these services for their customers? Printed books, especially hardcover books, take up a lot of space.

Publishing: ‘Drunk Talk’ Is A True Original That Combines Humor with Shock

Publishing NEWS: -- Authors Mike Davis AND TL Banks would like to announce their new book "Drunk Talk" (ISBN: 979-8675709625). "Drunk Talk" is a one-of-a-kind book with something for everyone and will have you laughing hysterically as you are forced to question what you believe to be true.

Publishing: A three-time C. diff. Survivor and Registered Dietician publish book for patients, families, and caregivers impacted by Clostridioides difficile

Publishing NEWS: -- In the new book, "Managing a C. difficile Infection: For Patients, Families, and Caregivers" (ISBN: 979-8519789851), Nancy C. Caralla, three-time C. diff. Survivor, Founding President of the C Diff Foundation, and Karen F. Factor, MS, RD. LDN, Nutrition Wellness Chairperson, share their knowledge and experience with patients, family members, and caregivers who have been impacted by a CDI infection.

Publishing: Calgary Author Honored in 2021 Indie Book Awards for Memoir about Social Justice and Overcoming Mental Health Struggles

Publishing NEWS: -- Sandra LA Boszko is quickly building a name for herself as an author who's edgy and honest. That's why her new book, "Welcome to California: From LA County Jail to #1 in Sales" (ISBN: 978-1525546440) was named one of the best indie books of 2021 by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group.

Publishing: New Fictional Work Draws from True Stories to Showcase How One Woman Escaped an Abusive Narcissist

Publishing NEWS: -- "Pain Behind Broken Vases" (ISBN: 978-1952521331) by Amilia Powers is the result of eight true stories of relational manipulation, control and abuse. Powers has combined stories from several women's real-life experiences into the voice of one.

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