Age Healthier Live Happier

Gary Donovitz M.D. recently announced publication of his book “Age Healthier Live Happier – Avoiding Over-Medication through Natural Hormone Balance” (ISBN: 9780990706458; CelebrityPress). According to the author, his book outlines the many positive health factors that bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy provides. The book also explains dramatic changes in the lives of hormone optimized men and women, as well as the positive impact BHRT is making in the healthcare industry today.

“‘Age Healthier Live Happier’ is a welcomed response to many men and women looking to avoid over-medication and searching for a higher quality of life thanks to bio-identical hormone replacement balance (BHRT) using tiny pellets about the size of a grain of rice,” says Donovitz, BioTE Medical President and Founder.

In addition to hormone optimized patients experiencing increased energy and strength, the ability to sleep better, stronger libido, and a greater ability to lose weight and gain muscle mass – “Age Healthier Live Happier” also points out the prevention of health related illness due to natural hormone balance such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancer.

“The simplest way to explain BHRT,” says Donovitz, “is that it helps balance hormones in the body that restore balance to individuals suffering from naturally declining hormone levels. For many people, the use of BHRT enhances their quality of life without the risks associated with synthetic hormones. And, who wouldn’t want that?”

The book is available now at all major book sellers.

About the Author:
Gary S. Donovitz M.D. is a recognized expert, international instructor of the procedure and long-time proponent of Bio Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) and treats both men and women. In 2007, he received advanced training in BHRT and has trained more than 1,000 practitioners nationwide. He has been practicing medicine since 1985. He is Board Certified and is a Fellow in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Learn more at: