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Publishing: INTO THE FORGOTTEN FOREST – Werewolves and Vampires and Magic, Oh My!

Publishing NEWS: -- River J. Hopkins, bestselling author of "Sometime After Midnight: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories," now presents a world - much like our own - with hidden depths, in "Into the Forgotten Forest." It's a place rife with magic, curses, an ancient, brewing evil, and a prophecy that rests on the shoulders of a young woman and her twin brother.

Publishing: Inspirational New Book ‘Prodigious Son: A Memoir of Miracles’ Reveals Remarkable Life of An Urban Shaman, Ralph Matson

Publishing NEWS: -- First time author Ralph Matson shares, in his own words, remarkable stories of healing, recovery and enlightenment in, "Prodigious Son: A Memoir of Miracles" (ISBN: 978-1098308872). Matson's journey leads us into the famous Woodstock festival, down drug alleys, and over mountain ashrams on a never-ending quest for higher consciousness as he struggles with his inner demons and angels.

Publishing: Deuxmers Releases New Titles by Peter Shaindlin and by Lee Siegel

Publishing NEWS: -- Deuxmers Publishing announces the release of two new novels by Lee Siegel, "Typerotica" and "Horseplay"; and a long-awaited collection of new poems by Peter Shaindlin, titled "Ravens, Nights."

Publishing: New Book Exposes Epidemic in ‘Agent Orange Roundup: Living with a Foot in Two Worlds’

Publishing NEWS: -- National Agent Orange Day is August 10. While COVID-19 races through the U.S. population, another invisible killer continues to rage among our already endangered population. Agent Orange continues to contaminate and kill civilians and veterans more than 50 years after spraying. Two Marines, Brent MacKinnon and Sandy Scull, have published a personal account detailing damage done to both body and soul: "Agent Orange Roundup: Living with a Foot in Two Worlds" (ISBN 978-1634989565).

Publishing: Groundbreaking New Book Transforms the Death Process for Terminally Ill, Families

Publishing NEWS: -- Individuals who are living with a terminal illness and the people who love them can now deeply transform their shared experience of the dying process, thanks to a new book released today by author Melody LeBaron, "Transforming Death: Creating Sacred Space for the Dying" (ISBN: 978-1733477123).

Publishing: Lifelong Writer and Survivor of Cancer and Abuse Shares Her Story In a Self-Help Book

Publishing NEWS: -- "Through It All I'm Still Standing" (ISBN: 978-1735052519) is the first book from the talented writer and publisher Towanna Hogue as she shares her personal experiences surviving several challenges, including marriage, divorce, cancer, and starting over with readers worldwide.

Publishing: New Book Explores Unique World of Intrapreneurs and Their Role in Business Growth

Publishing NEWS: -- Author and intrapreneurship expert Susan Foley, Managing Partner of Corporate Entrepreneurs LLC, is excited to announce the release of the paperback version of her latest book, "Intrapreneurs: Who, What, How and Why" (ISBN: 978-1734956900).

Publishing: Controversial New Book ‘Bootlegging Kind’ Denied In Marketing Attempts

Publishing NEWS: -- "Bootlegging Kind: An Indoor Story," a work of literature tapped acutely into the exploding marijuana subculture, is receiving rejection when attempting to actively promote itself on a variety of social media channels, according to the author, Ryan James Robinson.

Publishing: Easyriders announces in honor of its 50th Anniversary the Classic Easyriders Complete Digital Magazine Collection in partnership with GIT Corp.

Publishing NEWS: -- Pepper Foster, CEO of Easyriders, the rock-n-ride brand, is excited to announce "Classic Easyriders Complete Digital Magazine Collection - 50th Anniversary Special" by GIT Corp. This massive library of the history of Easyriders features 554 digital magazines.

Publishing: Rock Center Financial Partners publishes the book, ‘Mergers & Acquisitions: Crushing It as a Corporate Buyer in the Middle Market’

Publishing NEWS: -- Rock Center Financial Partners, LLC announced today that they have recently published a book, "Mergers & Acquisitions: Crushing It as a Corporate Buyer in the Middle Market" (ISBN: 978-1735052205) aimed at helping companies improve their ability to execute successful mergers and acquisitions ("M&A").

Publishing: Expat Entrepreneur Jewel Daniels Delivers a Blueprint to Thrive in a Post Global Pandemic World in New Book

Publishing NEWS: -- Most people currently face the pressing concern of how to move the needle from crisis to success during a global pandemic. "Three Sides of Every Crisis: Strategies to Sustain Business, Manage Your Career and Take Care of You" (ISBN: 978-0974999173) by Jewel Daniels offers a roadmap on how to pivot during an international economic tsunami.

Publishing: MJ Boudinot Named National Sales Director at LTC NEWS

Publishing NEWS: -- LTC NEWS, LLC, operators of the website ltcnews.com, has announced the appointment of Mary Jo "MJ" Boudinot as National Sales Director. Boudinot will lead a team of sales executives offering advertising and marketing opportunities.

Publishing: New Book: ‘You’re An Author? Don’t get Hustled’

Publishing NEWS: -- Published Author Wayne McFarland has just released, "You're An Author? Don't Get Hustled - How to launch your book without getting hurt, hammered, or fleeced; a step by step guide" (ISBN: 978-1645505686; paperback).

Publishing: ‘Money Is an Energy Game,’ Gold Winner of 2020 COVR Visionary Awards for e-books, is now available in print

Publishing NEWS: -- Madeline Gerwick of Polaris Business Guides and Margaret Donahue of Feng Shui Connections announce the print publication of "Money Is an Energy Game" (ISBN: 978-1734283600). Released in Kindle format in December, 2019, this book was named the Gold Winner of 2020 COVR Visionary Awards for e-books on June 6, 2020.

Publishing: Green Buildings Are Not Sustainable, says Janis Birkeland

Publishing NEWS: -- According to Dr Janis Birkeland, the originator of net-positive design, while sustainable 'green' buildings are making great strides, they still do more damage than no building at all.

Publishing: New Book, ‘Tenacity’ is a Story of Courage and Resilience in the Face of Adversities

Publishing NEWS: -- Veena Sharma is an Indo-Fijian author, who has released her memoir "Tenacity" (ISBN: 978-1643883861). It is a story of risk, courage, and determination. Ultimately, it's a story of the human spirit's triumph over fear. Born into poverty, uprooted from her homeland, forced to marry a stranger, subjected to physical and emotional abuse.

Publishing: Customizable Kids’ Routine Charts Help Fill a Needed Niche

Publishing NEWS: -- Marie Green, founder Inspired Prose Printables, saw a need and filled it. She used her graphic design skills to create a business that helps busy parents wrangle schedules through simple drag and drop features that are actually fun for kids to follow.

Publishing: Atlanta Businessman Reveals Success Secrets in Debut Book

Publishing NEWS: -- Atlanta businessman, personal coach and author, Khigh Shotwell, founder of Puppetless World, has revealed the formula for his success in his debut book, "The Game is to be Sold, Not Told" (ISBN: 978-1734711400).

Publishing: New Book: ‘Poems, Untold’

Publishing NEWS: -- "Poems, Untold" (ISBN: 979-8651689033), by Elen Krut, is a collection of inspirational poems written by the author to encourage, guide, reflect, and present a different perspective and observations to readers.

Publishing: LTC NEWS Acquisition Anticipates Growth and Expansion

Publishing NEWS: -- Matt McCann, a nationally-known veteran of the long-term care (LTC) insurance industry, announces the formation of LTC NEWS, LLC after acquiring the online asset - ltcnews.com.

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