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Tag: social influencer RoarJMcKay

Music and Arts: Completing the Circuit: From Autumn to Winter – partnership season has brought overflowing blessings for the holidays

Music and Performers NEWS: -- Jonathan McKay better known by his social audience as RoarJMcKay, founder of Keeping Tabs Media, dedicates this winter's accomplishments to his grandmother through COVID-19 recovery and daughter Kali McKay as she celebrates her first birthday. Being a strong influence throughout childhood his grandmother instilled strong beliefs in literacy, mathematics, and fashion.

Music and Arts: The Keeping Tabs Awareness Campaign: Rotting Rationality

Music and Performers NEWS: -- Jonathan McKay, better known by his social influencer tag RoarJMcKay is a psychedelic multimedia content creator hailing from Flint, MI. Harnessing the influence of psychedelia, McKay has begun to apply concepts of geometric structure and interconnectedness visually in abstract ways. After surviving the disastrous "Flint Water Crisis" and fighting a brave battle with Cancer in his saliva glands, Jonathon had a new vision for life. That new vision was "Keeping Tabs."

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