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Tag: self-help book

Publishing: New Book About Conquering Addiction Receives Book Excellence Award

Publishing NEWS: -- "Life is Crying" (ISBN: 978-1641119849) by Benzena Brown, recently received the Book Excellence Award Finalist - an international book awards' competition dedicated to recognizing independent and traditionally-published authors and publishers for excellence in writing, design and overall market appeal.

Publishing: New Book: ‘Morning Glory 2’ – 366 Conversations to Inspire and Offer Hope

Publishing NEWS: -- What A Word Publishing and Media announces the paperback print and ebook release of "Morning Glory 2" (ISBN: 978-1732824034), with 366 daily conversations for an entire year. Written by Sheila Hayford, this book is inspiring, thought provoking and refreshingly honest. It is an easy read and highly recommended.

Publishing: Lifelong Writer and Survivor of Cancer and Abuse Shares Her Story In a Self-Help Book

Publishing NEWS: -- "Through It All I'm Still Standing" (ISBN: 978-1735052519) is the first book from the talented writer and publisher Towanna Hogue as she shares her personal experiences surviving several challenges, including marriage, divorce, cancer, and starting over with readers worldwide.

Publishing: New Self Help Book Reveals How PI and People Are Related

Publishing NEWS: -- Inspired by the mathematical standard PI, Gary Neal, Jr., author, "A Healthy Slice of PI: Food for Thought," is helping people to identify, manage and thrive off real-life situations by providing a unique insight into why people become who they are. He's also the founder of Pride and Egoos, a clothing and wearable accessories company.

Publishing: Dr. Lauren Goodall (PsyD) Releases Her Ground-Breaking Self-Help Book, ‘Bipolar is Not an STD’

Publishing NEWS: -- Dr. Lauren Goodall (PsyD), releases her ground-breaking self-help book, "Bipolar is not an STD" (ISBN: 978-1543975581), Dr. Goodall designed the book around getting people better faster. She wanted a book that could be finished over the course of a weekend; not something that would take a long period of time to plow through.

Publishing: Former Los Angeles City College Basketball Coach Michael ‘Mike’ Miller’s Amazing New Self-Help Book Is Endorsed by Clergy and Coaches...

Publishing NEWS: -- Pyramid Press proudly announced today its latest book, "Coach Miller's Guide and Workbook To Life And Success" (ISBN: 978-0996893503) is available now at all bookstores and on Amazon. The book has an inspired and moving introduction by Virginia Tech Coach Buzz Williams and an amazing foreword by noted religious and political leader Rev. Misi Tagaloa, Ph.D., Head Pastor Second Samoan Church of Long Beach.

Book Review: Not Glad, Not Well – ‘David and Goliath’

BOOK REVIEW: Perhaps nothing could have lived up to the anticipation for Malcolm Gladwell's new book but unfortunately "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants" (ISBN: 9780316204361) is limp, frivolous, a little silly, and unnecessary. The only saving grace is that it is written with a fluid style so it won't take you too long to read.

New Book, Our Whole Life Is Our Whole Responsibility, by Michael G. Kamau

CINCINNATI, Ohio /Publishers Newswire/ -- A new book, 'Our Whole Life Is Our Whole Responsibility' (ISBN: 978-0578094489), by Michael G. Kamau, and published by Life Energy Publishing, inspires people to take control of their lives.

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