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Tag: ProxyPics

Software: Global DMS Integrates EVO Appraisal Management Software with ProxyPics, Enabling Remote Real Estate Inspections

Software NEWS: -- Global DMS, a leading provider of cloud-based appraisal management software, announced that it has integrated its new EVO platform, an innovative valuation technology that shatters the constraints of yesteryear software designs, with ProxyPics to provide its clients with a secure method of facilitating the delivery of photographs of a subject property when access to the property is unavailable.

Software: Global DMS Integrates eTrac Valuation Management Software with ProxyPics, Allowing Clients to Complete Real Estate Appraisals Remotely

Software NEWS: -- Global DMS, a leading provider of cloud-based appraisal management software, announced that it has integrated its eTrac valuation management platform with ProxyPics - a patented, secure mobile app that provides a method of facilitating the delivery of photographs of a subject property when access to the property is unavailable.

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