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Tag: Environment and Ecology

Music and Arts: Performance Artist AY Young is An Emerging Renewable Energy Leader Powered by Music

Music and Performers NEWS: -- AY Young, founder, Battery Tour, was named by the United Nations (UN) as one of 17 Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and to Fresh Energy's 2020 Energy News Network's "40 Under 40."

Software: Revealiency Announces Issuance of US Patent Covering AI-Powered Autonomous Emissions Testing, Analysis, and Reporting Technology

Software NEWS: -- Revealiency (aka Emissions-Based Maintenance or EBM) is a Clean Technology company that focuses on optimizing compression ignition engine performance by sampling, and analyzing, engine exhaust using EBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to identify corrective maintenance actions that can be taken by engine owners.

Music and Arts: Polar Bears – Now ‘Garbage Bears’ – ‘Can you Hear Me’ by Danielle Alura

Music and Performers NEWS: -- Who doesn't like watching fluffy polar bears, monkeys in natural hot springs, and koalas? Custom couture made out of single use objects? The official music video for "Can You Hear Me" By Danielle Alura is very eye-catching and creates an amazing picture for Mother Earth; fluffy, fashionable and factual all at the same time.

Software: Zoetic Global Announces Addition of Trammell S. Crow to Board of Directors

Software NEWS: -- Zoetic Global, a US-based clean technology firm, is proud to announce the appointment of Trammell S. Crow to their board of directors. Mr. Crow is a businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and innovative champion for a sustainable future.

Software: Pennsylvania Goes ‘Live’ With EnergyCAP Energy Management Information Solution

Software NEWS: -- EnergyCAP, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to announce that its EnergyCAP Enterprise software-based solution is now in full production use by The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CoPA). CoPA will rely on EnergyCAP to track, audit, and analyze more than 10,000 Commonwealth utility accounts, with an annual utility spend in excess of $125 million.

Publishing: Nirmala Narine’s YA Historical Fantasy Novel with Diverse Characters, Lays the Foundation for a Whole New Crop of Environmentalists

Publishing NEWS: -- Vanadala Publishing, a division of NNGL, announces the publication of "Ellishiva Cinnamon and The Sixth Element" (ISBN: 978-0996207126, paperback), a novel of environmental stewardship, by best-selling author, social responsible entrepreneur, humanitarian and global lifestyle television host, Nirmala Narine.

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