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‘Books to Bookmark’ List of 19 Fascinating Books from 2014 You’ve Never Heard Of

BOOK NEWS: Want something different on your e-reader or night stand this year? We've recently announced our latest semi-annual "Books to Bookmark" list of new titles "worth a look" that most people have probably not heard of. This list contains 19 "fascniating new books" published in 2014 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishers, or "big name" authors.

Latest Books to Bookmark List for 2012 announced by Publishers Newswire

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- For the first half of 2012, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has this week announced its latest semi-annual "Books to Bookmark" list. This is a round-up of 13 new and recent books for 2012 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or "big name" authors; or being yet another ghost-written celebrity rant.

New Audio Book Edition, A Walk for Sunshine, by Jeff Alt

CINCINNATI, Ohio /Publishers Newswire/ -- A new edition of the best-selling Kindle edition and hardcover book, "A Walk for Sunshine" (ISBN: 978-0-9679482-3-2) was released as an audio book on June 5, 2012. What began as a solo Appalachian Trail (AT) adventure with bears, bugs, and blisters, has become an annual fundraising source for Sunshine, a home for the developmentally disabled in Maumee, Ohio. When author and speaker Jeff Alt embarked on his AT journey to raise funds for Sunshine, he didn't know that his journey would spark the creation of an annual event.

New Book, Our Whole Life Is Our Whole Responsibility, by Michael G. Kamau

CINCINNATI, Ohio /Publishers Newswire/ -- A new book, 'Our Whole Life Is Our Whole Responsibility' (ISBN: 978-0578094489), by Michael G. Kamau, and published by Life Energy Publishing, inspires people to take control of their lives.

New for Kindle: Dignity for Life – Five Things You Should Know Before Considering Long Term Care Insurance

KIRKLAND, Wash. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Almost for sure, you or a family member will need expensive long term care someday. How will you pay...

The Present and Future of e-Books

For this "roundtable" we're discussing the future of e-books (electronic books). The question posited to our panel is this: "Do you think e-books will...

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