Apple users are keen to upgrade to iOS 11 but many are uncertain of any possible negative effects the upgrade may have on their current working systems, especially when it comes to stored media. Dr.Fone, data recovery specialists, are offering zero-day support with the upgrade in order to eliminate worries, even to new iPhone 8 users.

dr.fone toolkit for ios11

Dr.Fone gives Apple users peace of mind when updating to iOS 11 with their zero-day support, even for the iPhone 8

Apple users are keen to upgrade to iOS 11 but many are uncertain of any possible negative effects the upgrade may have on their current working systems, especially when it comes to stored media. Dr.Fone, data recovery specialists, are offering zero-day support with the upgrade in order to eliminate worries, even to new iPhone 8 users.

The arrival of the new Apple iOS 11 operating system is being hyped up to be a huge shift for advanced mobile operating systems, offering features never seen before, including a dock which changes according to your usage and preferences; split view for apps and the advanced Apple pencil for the iPad.

If updated correctly, it promises to be nothing short of amazing. Experts at Dr.Fone know that a smooth transition to a new operating system can come with its own set of hiccups and flaws. With their fully iOS 11 compatible toolkit, Apple users can upgrade knowing that they have everything covered.

Experts at Dr.Fone highly recommend that Apple users back up their devices before commencing with the upgrade. The reasoning is that if everything is backed up, should a problem arise, previous files and apps can be retrieved with very little effort and stress.

Part of Dr.Fone’s recovery toolkit includes the iOS data backup and restore feature: customers can back up their entire device with one click through the Dr.Fone website. This then offers them complete backup, with the opportunity to export anything from the backup to their computer. It also allows customers to preview and restore any item from their backup, with a guarantee of no data loss during the restore.

Should an issue arise when updating, Dr.Fone’s system recovery service is there to allow clients complete peace of mind. The service recovers a phone or device to ‘normal,’ with no data loss whatsoever. It is also able to fix system issues such as the white Apple logo, recovery mode and looping at the start.

Dr.Fone pride themselves in offering their clients a foolproof service, with guaranteed results. They are also pleased that their service gives customers confidence that they are running their devices, through the update, at 100 percent efficiency. The company are urging Apple users to run their test prior to upgrading to iOS 11 in order to become aware of any possible issues their device might encounter during the upgrade. To take the test, customers can visit the Dr.Fone website and click on the ‘Must-have test’ link.

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About Dr.Fone:

Dr.Fone is the world’s first company to provide iOS data recovery software and Android data recovery. With over 5 years of experience in providing people top-ranked software and services, Dr.Fone has been dedicated to serve over 50 million users. The company is proud to be offering new and existing customers security when it comes to updating their iOS devices.

Facebook: @drfonetoolkit

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