New book, ‘Surviving Wildfire: Get Prepared, Stay Alive, Rebuild Your Life (A Handbook for Homeowners)’ by Linda Masterson
DENVER, Colo. /Publishers Newswire/ -- PixyJack Press has announced publication of "Surviving Wildfire: Get Prepared, Stay Alive, Rebuild Your Life - A Handbook for Homeowners" (ISBN: 978-1936555154), by Linda Masterson; a practical prescription for homeowners living with wildfire risk who want to know how to be better prepared, stay alive when wildfire threatens and have what they'll really need to start over if disaster strikes.
New in Kindle Format, ‘The Adventures of Ford Fairlane’ by Rex Weiner
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Available for the first time in an exclusive ebook version from Cultmachine, "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" (ISBN: 978-0-9840327-6-1) by journalist and screenwriter Rex Weiner features two gritty tales of private eye Ford Fairlane, the music industry's "rock n roll detective." Fairlane solves cases involving the punk rock and new wave scenes in New York City and Los Angeles in the late-1970s.
New book, ‘Aloha Wanderwell: Call to Adventure’ by Aloha Baker, Alan Boyd and Tracy Landecker
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Aloha Wanderwell: Call to Adventure" (ISBN: 978-1484118801) is a new book published by the Nile Baker Estate and Boyd Production Group that journals the adventures of Aloha Wanderwell Baker, who at age 16, became the first woman to travel around the world in a Model-T Ford automobile.
New book, ‘The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business’ by music producer Loren Weisman
AUSTIN, Texas /Publishers Newswire/ -- In his new book, "The Artist's Guide to Success in the Music Business" (ISBN: 978-1-60832-578-8, Greenleaf Press) music consultant, producer, coach, and author Loren Weisman provides a roadmap for the artist's journey from passion to profession. In the book, Weisman draws on over two decades of experience as a working musician and music business consultant to provide instruction, enlightenment, and sage counsel for indie bands, artists, and small record labels who want to make their mark in "the music biz."
Now in Kindle eBook format, ‘Celestial Inferno: Poems of Another Realm’ by poet Aaron Ozee
ADDISON, Ill. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Celestial Inferno: Poems of Another Realm," initially released in hardcover, is now available as an eBook through Amazon as a Kindle edition (ASIN: B00C9PEW3U; 32pp; Aaron Ozee Poems), as well as other ebook formats through top book resellers. First published at age 16, Ozee always found converting his inner thoughts and feelings into the written word was the best way to show others his intelligence.
New book, ‘Don’t Go Broke Paying the Nursing Home’ by Karl Kim
LOS ANGELES, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- In his new book, "Don't Go Broke Paying the Nursing Home" (ISBN: 9780988902619), retirement expert and author Karl Kim, CFP, CLTC, explains that each year thousands of people are thrust into a "care crisis" when a family member or loved one needs long-term care. The book in particular focuses on California retirement planning and explains Medi-Cal Recovery procedures.
New Book, ‘The Trust Frequency’ by Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey
ASPEN, Colo. /Publishers Newswire/ -- In a new book, "The Trust Frequency: 10 Assumptions for a New Paradigm" (ISBN: 978-098874713; Cameron/Baxter Books), co-authors Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey challenge a number of basic assumptions which have driven humanity's behavior for millennia and offer a new paradigm for consideration on the issue of climate change.
Books to Bookmark: Updated List of 10 Interesting New Books from First Quarter 2013
TORRANCE, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- The latest round-up of 10 new and recent books from Q4/2012 and Q1/2013 - which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or "big name" authors - has been announced by Publishers Newswire (PNW) as part of their semi-annual "Books to Bookmark." PNW is an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors to raise awareness about their work.
New book now in Kindle edition, ‘Who Was E. B. Gallaher’ by DJV Murphy
NEW YORK, N.Y. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Mansions and millionaires! A recently published non-fiction book by author DJV Murphy, "Who Was E. B. Gallaher?" (ISBN-13: 978-1480043770; paperback; CreateSpace), purports to have possibly solved a regional mystery about a millionaire's bequest while doing research for the biography.
New book, ‘Murder and Misunderstanding – One Man’s Escape from Insanity’ by Shuvender Sem
LANCASTER, Pa. /Publishers Newswire/ -- After years of psychotropic medications and intense therapy, author Shuvender "Shubi" Sem is telling his story of schizophrenia in his autobiography "Murder and Misunderstanding; One Man's Escape from Insanity" (ISBN: 978-1479256969; paperback). "Our mental health system is broken. We need to fix this before more crimes are committed," says Sem.
New book, ‘Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson’ by William G. Hyland Jr
TAMPA, Fla. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Author William G. Hyland Jr. this past week announced his latest American political history book, "Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson" (ISBN-13: 978-1612341972). The magisterial collaboration over half a lifetime between historian Dumas Malone and his subject, Thomas Jefferson, is the basis for the new non-fiction work.
U.S. Secretary Clinton to Host the Announcement of the Open Book Project
WASHINGTON, D.C. /Publishers Newswire/ -- On Monday, January 28th, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will host the announcement of the Open Book Project. The Open Book Project is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State, the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization and leading education innovators to expand access to free, high-quality open educational resources in Arabic, with a focus on science and technology and online learning.
New Book, ‘Going Clear’ by Lawrence Wright, Brings New Light to the Global Phenomenon of Scientology
NEW YORK, N.Y. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Lawrence Wright, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "The Looming Tower," has written a revelatory book about the Church of Scientology titled "GOING CLEAR: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief" (ISBN: 978-0307700667), published on January 17th by Alfred A. Knopf. The book offers an exhaustive account of the church, from its founding by L. Ron Hubbard to its present-day leadership under David Miscavige.
New book, ‘So You Want To Be A Landlord: Tales From The Crypt’ by DJV Murphy
CALIFON, N.J. /Publishers Newswire/ -- DJV Murphy considered the current market conditions as the backdrop to his latest book "So You Want To Be A Landlord: Tales From The Crypt" (ISBN: 978-1461087014). He ventures there is no bad time to invest in property. The 100 plus page book combines humor with technical information about how to succeed being a landlord and is illustrated with cartoons depicting the pitfalls and successes of owning investment real estate.
New Kindle and iBooks Edition of Novel, ‘Family Tiez’ by Mustafaa As-Salafi Announced
WILMINGTON, Del. /Publishers Newswire/ -- "Family Tiez" (ISBN: 978-0976224310 paperback; Level V Publishing), an underground, nationwide, bestselling novel by Mustafaa As-Salafi that chronicles the story of a large-scale, illegal drug distribution enterprise in the Tri-State area, will be re-released for purchase in eBook formats, including Kindle and iBooks this month.
New book, ‘Healthy Hannah’s Fitness Fables: A Promise to Yourself’ by Jay and Hannah England
LAS VEGAS, Nev. /Publishers Newswire/ -- A new book, "Healthy Hannah's Fitness Fables: A Promise to Yourself" (ISBN-13: 978-0985277307; hardcover) by Jay and Hannah England and published by KidsProsper Publishing, pairs father-daughter authors in the fight against childhood obesity. It is illustrated by a former personal trainer, Joe Romano II.
New Illustrated Children’s Book, ‘Little Green’ by Arnold Rudnick
LOS ANGELES, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Writer Arnold Rudnick and publisher Paraphrase, LLC, have donated 100 copies of new illustrated children's book "Little Green" (ISBN-13: 9780981587974) to the My Stuff Bags Foundation and have also pledged all net profits from book sales for the month of December 2012. "Little Green" is an entertaining new children's book with an important message and question to consider: Isn't it possible?
New book, ‘On My Feet Again: My Journey Out of the Wheelchair Using Neurotechnology’ by Jennifer French
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- A new book by Jennifer French, "On My Feet Again: My Journey Out of the Wheelchair Using Neurotechnology" (ISBN 978-0-9882342-0-8; Neurotech Press) will be showcased October 23, 2012 at the Neurotech Leaders Forum in San Francisco. French is a quadriplegic and competitive sailing athlete who recently medaled at the 2012 Paralympics Games.
New book, ‘Having a Whaley of a Time’ by Donna Keeley
ESCONDIDO, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- DKeeley Press has announced the publication of the first book in a new Paranormal Mystery series, "Having a Whaley of a Time" (ISBN: 978-0578104836) by Donna Keeley. By using the history and "documented ghosts" from the Whaley House in San Diego, Calif., the book weaves an "enjoyable, fictional mystery with real facts."
New book, ‘The Chinese Origin of the Age of Discovery’ by Chao C. Chien
LOS ANGELES, Calif. /Publishers Newswire/ -- Diogenes Research, an independent history research group, today announced the publication of a new book on the previously rarely examined history of the Age of Discovery, providing resolutions to several contentious issues: "The Chinese Origin of the Age of Discovery" (ISBN: 978-1-62141-693-7), by Chao C. Chien. The book is over 300 pages long and contains over 300 illustrations.