MORGAN HILL, Calif /Publishers Newswire/ — In March of 2012, 14-year old author Moshe Kai Cavalin’s “We Can Do” (ISBN: 978-1618630452; paperback), published by Bookstand Publishing, made Amazon’s Top 100 list, showing how successful an author with a dream can be. Moshe Kai Cavalin’s inspirational story asserts that he is not a genius, but rather, that every youngster can, with good planning, a strong heart, hard work, and a resilient mind, succeed beyond all expectations.

Moshe Kai Cavalin’s story is a remarkable one. At the age of 8, he enrolled in college; at the age of 11, he earned his first of two Associate of Arts degrees from East Los Angeles Community College; now, at the age of 14, as he prepares to graduate from UCLA, he wrote and published his first book, “We Can Do.”

Bookstand Publishing’s President, Andy Baldwin, reminds budding authors that any author can achieve the same success: “Bookstand Publishing helped ‘We Can Do’ become a successful book. We can help any author publish a book and show them the tools to make their book successful.”

Baldwin offers authors the same tools that Moshe Kai used to become a success. One of these tools is a free book that is available to anyone who is interested in the process of self-publishing: “Moshe Kai used our paperback book, ‘The Self-Publishing Checklist: How to Prepare Your Manuscript for Publication and Promote Your Book,’ to prepare his book for publication. Any potential author can also request a FREE copy of this book at .”

Armed with a great story and “The Self-Publishing Checklist,” Moshe Kai’s book became a huge success. It is stories such as this that remind authors that today there are options, and that self-publishing is not a pursuit of vanity; rather, it is a way to unfetter authors from traditional publishers, keep their royalties, control the creative process every step of the way, and forge their own success that is in line with their vision, not the vision of the publisher.

About Bookstand Publishing:
Since 1996, Bookstand Publishing – – has been providing authors with the tools to publish and market their books at affordable rates. Bookstand Publishing takes a book from manuscript all the way to published book, allowing authors to maintain complete control over the process, and approve their book before anything goes to print so that their final book will appear exactly the way that they want it to.

As a Print-on-Demand publisher, Bookstand prints the books as the orders come in to ensure that authors only purchase exactly what they need. They also ensure that books are available through the major book wholesalers, and offer a variety of marketing and publicity services to help promote the final product.