EnergyCAP, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to announce that its EnergyCAP Enterprise software-based solution is now in full production use by The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CoPA). CoPA will rely on EnergyCAP to track, audit, and analyze more than 10,000 Commonwealth utility accounts, with an annual utility spend in excess of $125 million.


EnergyCAP, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to announce that its EnergyCAP Enterprise software-based solution is now in full production use by The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CoPA). CoPA will rely on EnergyCAP to track, audit, and analyze more than 10,000 Commonwealth utility accounts, with an annual utility spend in excess of $125 million.

ECI-via its Bill CAPture(SM) service-will enter invoices from more than 150 utility vendors into EnergyCAP, enabling the Commonwealth to more easily evaluate and reduce energy use for approximately 4,000 buildings. The project was rolled out in conjunction with the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) and will measure the Commonwealth’s performance in reducing its overall energy consumption to meet Governor Tom Wolf’s Executive Order 2019-01.

Commodities tracked within EnergyCAP include electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, steam, and fuel oil. EnergyCAP’s Bill CAPture service processes each line item of the utility bills in PDF format, allowing for detailed audits, analysis, and reporting.

The EnergyCAP solution includes an interface to facilitate the transfer of data from EnergyCAP to the Energy Risk Management Application operated by PSFEI. PSFEI provides energy management and procurement services to CoPA, and their efforts will be aided by having direct, automated access to statewide energy across all agencies.

“For the first time in the Commonwealth, we will have an enterprise-wide system in place to track utility consumption and identify areas where we can reduce our usage to meet the governor’s goal of reducing our consumption by 3 percent each year moving forward,” said PA General Services Deputy Secretary for Property and Asset Management Julien Gaudion. “The EnergyCAP solution will also assist us in our efforts to measure the effectiveness of the more than $80 million investment we’ve made in energy conservation measures through the Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA) program, which has realized more than $4.6 million in annual savings to date.”

The comprehensive implementation project began in early 2018, and the first phase for electricity and natural gas accounts was completed in spring 2019. On-going annual user training sessions will be provided to state personnel at the departmental level as part of the comprehensive EnergyCAP solution.

About EnergyCAP:
Since 1982, EnergyCAP, Inc. has helped more than 10,000 energy managers in government, education, and commercial organizations drive value from their utility bills and energy data. Clients use our comprehensive EnergyCAP software-based solution to streamline utility bill processing and auditing, track energy and greenhouse gas data, process campus and tenant allocations, target reduction goals, benchmark facilities, submit to ENERGY STAR, measure and verify energy & cost savings, create budgets and forecasts, and much more.

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